The start
We have for a long time thought of various ways to be engaged in important and actual problems. There are of course a lot of important questions to focus on. The global warming is one, the hard life for poor people in parts of the world is another. During a private "workshop" in Rome we came up with a draft for an action plan.
Overall guidelines
An important guideline is self-help to allow people to change their lives. That is, aid to self-help that is persistent and lasting.
This means, for example, that we give money to start activities that provide opportunities for future supply. It may also include the ability of children to attend school and / or to receive medical care. Projects with positive climate impact are also included as priority projects. Exceptionally, there may also be emergency situations we choose to support.
In all projects we want to see measurable results where our funding can be traced back to specific results, in opposite to general contributions to large organizations. We like projects that can be used as a template (scale effect). The effort should have minimal disruption to the environment, family and society.
We collaborate with official help organizations and work through local contacts as much as possible. We aim for projects that provide social relations which is important for the engagement and contact.